“Hear it from the Experts” Series  6pm – 8pm  San Damiano Hall (129 West 31 Street, New York)  3 Nights  .  3 Issues  .  3 Experts

May 7  .   Fighting for Our Environment
                 with Bob Musil

Robert K. Musil, PhD., MPH, LHD is a Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies in the School of Public Affairs at the American University where he teaches about global climate change and energy policy.
From 1992-2006, Dr. Musil was the longest-serving Executive Director and CEO of ‘Physicians for Social Responsibility’ and the winner of the 1985 Nobel Prize for Peace. Dr. Musil specializes in contemporary sustainability, social respsonsibilty, and health issues. He is the author of numerous articles and the book: “Hope for a Heated Planet: How Americans are Fighting Global Warming and Building a Better Future”.




June 3   .   The Power of Film at the Service of the Poor
                   film presentation with Gerard Thomas Straub

Gerard Thomas Straub is a documentary filmmaker and an award-winning author of five books. His documentaries include: “When Did I See You Hungry?” which captures stories and images of global poverty in India, Kenya, Brazil, Jamaica, Italy, Canada, the Philippines and Mexico and: “We Have a Table Ready for Four”, which was aired on PBS. He is the author of the critically acclaimed book: “The Sun and Moon Over Assisi”, which offers inspirational reflections on St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare of Assisi, and was named the best spirituality hardcover book of 2001 by the Catholic Press Association.



July 1   .   Trafficking & Organized Crime
                 with Ronald Charles Chance

Ronald Charles Chance is a Professor at Neumann College on subjects including Criminal Justice and Intelligence Studies. He has testified as an expert witness on Organized Crime and Racketeering before United States Senate Comittees, the Presidents Commission on Organized Crime, and the New Jersey State Commission of Investigation and has featured as an expert witness on NBC, BBC and PBS. Mr. Chance has spoken on trafficking before Catholic audiences including His Eminence Cardinal Rigali, Religious Superiors of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the National Catholic Bishops Conference, and members of the Catholic Relief Services.
